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Committee Roles and Responsibilities and Officer descriptions

The Association of Otolaryngologists in Training (AOT) represents the training needs of all ENT trainees within the UK with the aim to promote excellence and high standards of training at all levels. The committee members are elected representatives of ENT trainees in the UK and strive to meet the aims of the organisation as set out in the AOT constitution.

Committee members will act as an advocate for the AOT making constructive contributions to the running of the association and in its trainee representation on the councils of organisation in which AOT are invited. Committee members will have specific individual roles as outlined in the officer description within this document and it is expected that the member will carry out their role to the highest standard ensuring trainees are fully represented. Following a meeting, officers will present back to the AOT committee a summary of matters arising so that the President and committee are kept up-to-date, and any issues can be acted upon.

Committee members are expected to regularly attend AOT committee meetings and participate in the running of the association. Whilst completing the responsibilities of the individual roles, members will also actively engage and assist in the running of the wider AOT events and activities during the year. 

The annual conference is organised by the treasurer and co-secretaries with the president and webmaster. The wider committee will also actively contribute and support in the organisation and running of the conference. 


Full List of Officer Descriptions

  • President
  • Vice-President
  • Past-President
  • Secretary (2 Positions)
  • Treasurer
  • AOT Education Lead (2 Positions)
  • ASIT Representative
  • BACO Representative
  • BMA Multi-specialty Working Group Representative
  • British Society of Facial Plastics Surgery (BSFPS) Representative
  • Core Trainees/Students and Foundation Trainees in Otolaryngology (CT/SFO UK) Representative
  • ENT UK Representative
  • Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Officer
  • FRCS Exam Representative 
  • ISCP and e-Logbook Rep
  • MTI Mentor
  • Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh Rep
  • RSM Rhinology & Laryngology (and BRS)
  • Otology (RSM, BSO & BSOJ)
  • Social Media Representative
  • Webmaster
  • YCOHNS Representative

Officer Descriptions


Level: ST6+

Tenure: 1 year

Available for Nominations at AGM 2024: YES

The president role is suited to a senior ST post holder who has prior experience of other AOT roles as you are expected to have a wide understanding of the issues that affect all ENT trainees across the UK when you attend the SAC meetings quarterly. You will also be invited to attend other meetings and give the opinion of the AOT on matters affecting ENT within the wider political and healthcare setting. Examples include commissioning bodies, HEE and JCST.

Close links and contacts with all deaneries within the UK are essential for the role and allow all members of the AOT to feel comfortable contacting you personally about issues. The President also has lead control over the forum and is contactable via the AOT email and prompt response to queries is essential to ensure high level of communications regarding training matters.

The President works closely with the SAC chair and ENT UK. Difficult issues that need to be tackled on behalf of the trainees often arise and the President’s response should reflect the views of the AOT. The president now also represents the trainees at National Selection as part of QA team as approved by GMC. The president will need to cover, or arrange cover, when the ENT-UK or exam reps are unable to attend their respective meetings as well as keeping an eye on the on-line forum, adverts and communications.

Last, the president should act as the link for all officers and work closely with the conference organisers (Treasurer and Secretary) in putting the conference agenda and AGM timetable together.


Level: ST6+

Tenure: 1 year

Available for Nominations at AGM 2024: NO

The vice president is someone who has been elected to the AOT committee in a separate role. Once the committee is finalised, an internal vote finalises one senior committee member (ST6 or above) as vice president. This should ideally be someone who has experience on the committee in previous years. The vice president will be responsible for supporting all committee members and will help with conference organisation where required. They will also be the point of contact if the president is unavailable.


Level: Immediate past-president

Tenure: 1 year

Available for Nominations at AGM 2023: NO – non-elected role to past president.

The position of immediate past-president is an unelected role and automatically given to the preceding president. The role of past-president is of an advisory nature in supporting the committee in continue the work of the AOT in the subsequent year. The role is relinquished at the following AGM and handed over to the next immediate president.

Secretary (2 positions available)

Level: ST3+

Tenure: 1 year

Available for Nominations at AGM 2024: YES

There are two aspects to this role:

Firstly, to organise the annual national conference with the treasurer. The treasurer and secretary should be from the same region so that they can help one another. Both work very closely with the president and webmaster to plan and deliver on the big day. The job involves finding a venue, speakers and sponsors.

Secondly, in a more administrative role, the secretary should make sure that minutes are taken at committee meetings and distributed after approval. The secretary also helps the president in supporting the broader committee; this may involve attending extra meetings and distributing information to regional representatives. It is the secretary’s role (with the webmaster) to ensure website material is up-to-date.


Level: ST3 +

Tenure: 1 year

Available for Nominations at AGM 2024: YES

This is a very important and busy role – which is crucial to maintaining AOT. You should expect to work an average of 3-4hours per week across the year on this role. The role consists of managing the AOT accounts, plus also maintaining a regular income into the account via advertising through the forum. This involves negotiating advertising costs, distributing adverts on the forum and invoicing companies.

The treasurer along with the secretaries is responsible for organising the annual conference in its entirety, from organising the venue, negotiating costs for the event, organising sponsors, marketing the event and managing ticket sales.

The treasurer is also expected to give a financial report at the AGM held at the conference. After the conference it is imperative that the outgoing treasurer hands over all details to the new incoming treasurer.

This is a one yearly appointment and candidates should apply as part of a team from a region, along with secretary roles, in a bid to host the next annual conference.

AOT Education Lead (2 positions available)

Level ST3 +

Tenure: 1 year

Available for Nominations at AGM 2024: YES

The Lead is expected to oversee the educational content produced and maintained by AOT in the form of its flagship educational podcast – The AOT Pod and its YouTube webinar channel.

The podcast is a new venture that will map out the FRCS curriculum through a series of 20-30 minute episodes. This will be recorded and edited by the committee representatives unless funding is obtained to do so professionally.

They will be responsible for maintaining contact with national and local teaching organisations that contribute teaching webinars to the AOT YouTube channel. The Lead may be approached by such organisations for permission to start uploading onto the channel. The Lead will be responsible for maintaining the integrity, upload policy and overall direction of the channel. He/she will co-ordinate and work with other members of the subcommittee as part of this.

The role is also in charge of leading the AOT education sub-committee.

The sub-committee may be covered by existing AOT committee members and includes roles such as (but not limited to):

AOT Pod committee member – This role involves helping to write podcast script material and facilitate the running of podcast episodes. Desirable skills include previous experience with podcasting and/or editing of podcasts or other audio material.

Video Editor – This role is suited to someone fluent in iMovie or other editing software of their choice. Videos submitted to the YouTube channel will need editing for removal of unnecessary or inappropriate clips before gaining final approval by the speaker/organiser. They will monitor the repository of submitted videos for ones that require editing, edit, and upload onto the YouTube channel.

Video Annotation – This involves going through edited videos on the YouTube channel and annotating them with timing labels so that viewers can navigate to specific clips. This only requires a basic grasp of YouTube’s studio function that is easy to learn. Following that, he/she will annotate the video’s description with ISCP curriculum elements that are covered by the video, enabling viewers to use the video as evidence.

ASiT Representative

Level: ST3+

Tenure: 1-2 years

Available for Nominations at AGM 2024: NO

The AOT ASiT rep is the key representative for ENT trainees to the Association of Surgeons in Training Council. ASiT is a representative organisation for trainees in all surgical specialties and has representative positions in dealing with the royal colleges and the JCST. As the AOT rep you will be expected to attend ASiT council meetings. There are about 6 of these a year and they are almost always at the Royal College of Surgeons of England on a Friday evening. Travel expenses (including hotel if required) are paid for. The Council meetings will allow the rep to relay what issues are currently affecting ENT trainees and to relay more general issues back to the AOT. There are fantastic opportunities in terms of being involved in other ASiT activities and the AOT rep would be expected to take an organisational role in the ASiT ENT course. Full or near full attendance at council meetings means that the rep will be able to attend the ASiT conference expenses paid too. Open for ST post holders only.

BACO Representative 

Level: ST3+

Tenure: 2 years 

Available for Nominations at AGM 2024: YES

The AOT BACO representative helps organise and plan the trainee themed sessions during the conference including an ST3 interview workshop. The BACO role is open to ST3+ post holders and is held for 2 years. The next conference will be in 2026 in Glasgow and therefore this post will be elected at the 2024 AGM.

BMA Multi-specialty Working Group Representative

Level: ST3+

Tenure: 1 year           

Available for Nominations at AGM 2024: YES

The BMA MSWG rep is the AOT liaison for the BMA. This involves discussing issues such as contracts, working conditions, and career pathways. These discussions then inform the BMA position. With the changes occurring in the NHS currently, it is clearly important that ENT surgeons, and particularly ENT trainees, are represented. Pre- pandemic and likely going forwards, the position involves attending 2-3 meetings at BMA house each year, for which they will provide some funding for travel.  Information on BMA workshops/ webinars/ services pertinent to ENT trainees can also be forwarded to AOT for publicising and/or posting on the AOT website.  Do feel free to get in touch if you have any questions. Open for ST post holders only.

British Society of Facial Plastics Surgery (BSFPS) Representative

Level: ST5+

Tenure: 1-2 years

Available for Nominations at AGM 2024: NO 

This position creates a link between BSFPS and AOT and as a subspecialist organisation is better suited to senior trainees. The main role is to work with the BSFPS juniors in planning of the junior programs. You will communicate matters of interest to trainees on to the council. You will need to attend bi-annual committee meetings at the RSM. This is a 2-year term.

Core Trainees/Students and Foundation Trainees in Otolaryngology (CT/SFO UK) Representative

Level: CT only

Tenure: 1 year

Available for Nominations at AGM 2024: YES

The position of Core Trainee rep involves representing your CT peers on a national level in all ENT-related matters. Other CTs should stay informed about relevant courses including interview preparation courses. Other communications include application dates and deadlines as well as changes to the ST3 application via the Core Trainee mailing list. Trainee concerns will need to be relayed on to the AOT president. Recently, we have expanded the role to include liaising closely with foundation schools and with the Student and Foundation Doctors in Otolaryngology (SFO-UK) group within ENT UK.

ENT UK Representative 

Level: ST4+

Tenure: 1 year

Available for Nominations at AGM 2024: YES


The AOT representative is invited to attend the ENTUK committee meetings as the trainee representative (please note to attend these meetings, it is a requirement to be an ENTUK member). There are several ENTUK council meetings throughout the year. Most of these are virtual. The face-to-face meetings have been held in London and may be on the same day as an event, such as the AGM at the ENTUK Spring Meeting.  The role requires you to act as a liaison between AOT and ENTUK, and to represent AOT views on aspects overseen by ENTUK from education to policy and events. Following the AOT affiliation (base level) with ENTUK this year, this role will involve overseeing the implementation of this and reviewing the MOU with ENTUK after one year. This role is a great opportunity to be part of the AOT and ENTUK committees.  

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Officer

Level: ST3+

Tenure: 1 year

Available for Nominations at AGM 2024: YES

AOT supports all members regardless of their gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, religion, and age. The EDI Rep will be committed and endeavour to build an inclusive culture of equality, diversity, and respect between members and the wider ENT community. The focus for this year will be to build on the AOT EDI Statement & Strategy.  

The EDI Rep will also sit on the WENTS UK committee and should be a point of contact between AOT & other working groups in the wider ENT and trainee communities. They should use these links to proactively seek out members opinions and concerns on EDI issues.

FRCS Exam Representative 

Level: ST7+ with FRCS completed

Tenure: 1 year

Available for Nominations at AGM 2024: YES


This post is open to any trainee who has sat and passed the FRCS. You sit as the trainee representative on the JCIE ENT Exam Board meetings to review and shape the FRCS exam. The meetings are held twice a year both in-person and via virtual sessions and the rep will gain valuable insight into the methods behind the exam setting. The Board takes trainee feedback and concerns seriously and the representative must send notes ahead of each meeting so they can be reviewed. The representative is expected to bring feedback from the previous exam sittings and raise any trainee concerns with regards to standards, EDI and accessibility of the exam. There may be new tasks added to this role during recovery from the pandemic and the implementation of the new curriculum.

ISCP and e-Logbook Rep

Level: ST3+

Tenure: 1 year

Available for Nominations at AGM 2024: YES

This role involves liaising with the e-Logbook and ISCP teams and recommending ways in which the otolaryngology portion of or can be improved. We are encouraged to engage in develop, test and provide feedback to the e-logbook and ISCP committees. Open for ST post holders only.

MTI Mentor

Level: ST3+

Tenure: 1 year

Available for Nominations at AGM 2024: YES

The role involves liaising with the Medical Trainee Initiative doctors and ease their transition from their home healthcare system to the NHS. The rep must give feedback to AOT about concerns such as (but not limited to): Settling-in, access to training, safe practices.

Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh Rep

Level: ST3+

Tenure: 1 year

Available for Nominations at AGM 2024: YES

This position involves attending subspecialty board meetings at the Royal College in Edinburgh 2-3 times per year.  The role will be to give a trainees perspective regarding topics on the agenda and feed back via the AOT trainees forum.  The committee are very keen to involve trainees and are receptive to any suggestions.  This post will give good insight into the workings of the college and enable trainees to contribute to future developments within ENT.  The post would be ideally suited to a member or fellow of the RCSEd, however, is open to other senior ST post holders. 

RSM Rhinology & Laryngology (and BRS)

Level: ST6+

Tenure: 2 years

Available for Nominations at AGM 2024: NO

This position is for two years and involves feeding back on council meetings for the Laryngology & Rhinology Section. Meetings take place five times a year (first Friday of November, December, February, March, May) starting between 8am and 9am at the Royal Society of Medicine. During the meeting you have an allocated slot to raise any AOT related issues and are generally encouraged to contribute to discussions on trainee related matters. Over the past two years we have tried to increase trainee membership to the RSM and have been successful in reducing the overall cost of membership and clarifying reimbursement arrangements. There is still potential for further improvements in making membership more appealing to trainees and this task should be considered as part of the overall role. Open for ST post holders only.

Otology (RSM, BSO & BSOJ)

Level: ST6+

Tenure: 2 years

Available for Nominations at AGM 2024: NO 

This is a 2-year tenure open for ST post holders only. The position involves positions on 3 different committees/councils in addition to AOT. The representative can work synergistically with the RSM rhinology and laryngology representative. This position requires a lot of time and organisation but provides a lot of opportunities. 
RSM Otology as Trainee Representative. 
This role involves advertising and promotion of RSM events. This includes the 5 RSM Otology (and laryngology and rhinology) meetings per academic year, submission of abstracts to the Matthew Yung paper prize and organising the temporal bone competition. There are several council meetings over the year on the days of the RSM meetings. The representative is encouraged to organise events that encourage trainee attendance to the RSM. In 2023 a lunch time trainee session was organised. The RSM trainee representatives also attended the RSM careers fair. 
BSO Council as Trainee Representative. 
This role involves attending council meetings also on the days of the RSM meetings. The trainee representative acts as a link between the AOT and BSO juniors committee and the BSO council. In 2022 and 2023 the representative was asked to give a talk at the BSO annual meeting. 
BSOJ as RSM/BSO/AOT representative.
This position makes you a key committee member in BSOJ working closely with their chair to liaise between the BSO council and BSOJ. The meetings take place every month. You will participate in organising events and resources for the team. 

Social Media Rep

Level: CT/ST1+

Tenure: 1 year

Available for Nominations at AGM 2024: YES

The role of the social media rep is crucial to the success of our organisation’s events especially with regards to marketing and publicity. The role of the social media rep is to represent AOT on any social media networks including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. The officer needs to share events and update the media pages with latest AOT news. They must work with the webmaster, Education lead and event organisers to share information on public platforms. Promote trainee led free events and support other trainee led organisations. All ENT UK events also must be shared. Advertising fees apply to sponsored and paid events which will need authoring by committee prior to posting on our media. The officer also keeps an eye on the forum and on-line calendar to make sure all is up to date. This is a one-year appointment open to ST and CT post holders and suitable for bloggers.


Level: CT/ST1 +

Tenure: 1 year

Available for Nominations at AGM 2024: YES

The role includes:

Maintaining and developing the website, This includes managing the domain registration, web hosting and Member’s Area. Any website updates, event updates, appearance changes are made by the webmaster. 

The webmaster is part of the ‘AOT Education’ subcommittee. Responsibilities include updating the ‘AOT Education’ google calendar displayed on the website with relevant courses and educational activities.  

A basic understanding and experience with HTML, website-building, MailChimp and WordPress is highly desirable but not essential. A basic understanding of CSS is desirable. Willingness to learn and proficiency at problem-solving is essential. This role is open to Core Trainees as well as ST doctors. 

YCOHNS Representative

Level: ST8+

Tenure: 1 year

Available for Nominations at AGM 2024: YES

The Young Consultant Otolaryngologists Head and Neck Surgeons (YCOHNS) are a national group of ENT surgeons including consultants appointed for less than 5 years and post FRCS specialist trainees within 12 months of CCT. The AOT YCOHNS rep acts as a crucial link between both organisations and is invited to the YCOHNS annual meeting, AGM, and dinner.